The best placement for testimonials.
- 20 April 2021
Place those valuable testimonials where your viewers will read them.
Storing past newsletters on your website
- 22 March 2021
Newsletters contain a valuable source of fresh, relevant and ever changing content for your website.
TIP: Finding websites you know already...
- 18 March 2021
You already know the website address so you type it into the search field in Google? Sound familiar?
Finding the right domain name for your business
- 4 November 2020
If you are looking to find the right domain name for your business...
Lists - numbers or bullet points?
- 12 October 2020
I thought this simple explanation from Contented on lists - numbers or bullet points - was excellent.
Greeting your subscribers in email campaigns...
- 22 September 2020
Remember that each person is getting their 'own' email, so talk to them directly.
Check the plurals in your content...
- 20 August 2020
Its FAQs, not FAQ's. So if you have that on your website, change it now.
Using email marketing effectively...
- 27 July 2020
Send emails that are relevant to the interests of your contacts. What offer initially brought them to you?
Why is everybody and their dog putting up flashing websites and emails?
- 22 May 2020
Drives me bonkers.
'Google Images' is not a free resource for your images.
- 1 May 2020
Whatever you do don’t go into Google Images, grab one and use it.
Online Writing tip: Type one space after a full stop
- 22 November 2019
A timely reminder from Contented re full stops and spaces.
Blogging and creating other content...
- 21 November 2019 ebooks and webinars are powerful ways to drive the right people to your business online.
Concentrating on your website page headings...
- 5 November 2019
If a piece of text on a website page appears larger or more prominent than the other text on a page, it’s probably part of a 'heading'.
Keywords are it...
- 25 October 2019
If you wanted to boil internet marketing down to single starting point, keywords are it.
5 web writing tips for content and user experience
- 10 October 2019
These five guidelines present nothing revolutionary nor are they difficult to implement.
...the holidays are just around the corner
- 10 October 2019
One of the keys to a successful holiday marketing campaign is preparation.
Being very smart with keywords everywhere online.
- 17 September 2019
A basic rule of writing for the Web - and all other business writing.
Email marketing is all about balance.
- 13 September 2019
Email marketing is a great, inexpensive way to reach the people on your database.
15 tips for a successful email marketing campaign
- 13 September 2019
#1. Determine what the purpose of your message is going to be.
Building trust online - 10 quick steps
- 29 August 2019
Visitors to your website will decide within 7 short seconds whether they want to explore further.
Keeping it lean and mean with web forms
- 29 August 2019
The best way to capture a lead from the internet is through a web form.
Three easy ways you can increase your SEO rankings
- 31 July 2019
Better SEO rankings mean you get seen by more people…and that’s a free way to increase traffic to your website.
Develop a plan to start implementing changes on your website...
- 31 July 2019
You don’t have to do them all at once ...
Writing tip: Write plenty of clear, complete sub-headlines
- 31 July 2019
On a long web page that is mainly text, frequent sub-headlines are desirable.
I can't find my site in Google!
- 24 July 2019
I can't seem to find any combination of keywords that will bring up my website in Google search results.
It's important to update your website often...
- 18 July 2019
If Google returns to your website after a month or two and finds that it hasn’t been updated?
Promoting your website in the real world...
- 17 July 2019
Search engines and social media are not the only way that people discover websites.
Using email newsletters for marketing...
- 9 July 2019
Your best chance of getting a sale is by marketing to your existing customers and prospects.
Your customers and prospects will appreciate a regularly updated site.
- 10 June 2019
Search engines rank recently updated websites higher than websites where the content is old.
Links - make it easy for your reader...
- 27 May 2019
Users expect links in web pages to be blue and underlined...
Search engines visit updated sites more frequently
- 24 May 2019
A website like is updated every day, and Google knows this, so it indexes it every day.
Two essential pages for your blog...
- 14 May 2019
There are some specific content/pages that all readers expect to find on a website.
Avoiding spam filters in your email newsletters
- 13 May 2019
Make sure your emails don't get flagged as spam.
Get good links to your website
- 10 May 2019
You can get high rankings quickly through the purchase of paid links...
Minimise clicking on your website
- 7 May 2019
Put as few clicks between your visitor and the information they have come for as possible.
Getting links back to your website
- 30 April 2019
When another website links back to yours, Google sees this as a positive vote for your website...
People won't hang around on your homepage...
- 26 April 2019
A web page exists to provide something that's useful or interesting to visitors.
No need for permission to link to another website...
- 24 April 2019
You don't have to ask another website owner if you can link to their website.
Explain your links with some passion...
- 16 April 2019
Definitely list external links to other websites but...
Check your website content...
- 15 April 2019
Make sure your website pages are the best that they can be.
Don’t go into Google Images, grab one and use it
- 11 April 2019
You will be in breach of copyright and yes, they will find you, even down here at the bottom of the South Pacific.
Don't use content from other websites
- 10 April 2019
It's not legal to copy text, images or code from another website...
Linking to other websites...
- 8 April 2019
Internal and external linking is one factor Google looks at...
Organise your website
- 23 October 2018
Both the search engines and your website visitors prefer a website that is well structured.
Links both in and out of your website must be relevant
- 11 October 2018
There is always a lot of talk about links ...
Don't use tricks in your website
- 25 September 2018
Don't try to outsmart the search engines - eventually it will damage your ranking.
The two markets for your website...
- 15 September 2018
There are always two markets for your website to remember and cater for - search engines and your readers.
Internet marketing and your other hats...
- 11 September 2018
If you are a small business there is a lot of demand on your time.
Make sure your homepage content is effective
- 5 September 2018
The content on your homepage can be the make or break factor...
Writing Title Tags for Search Engine Optimisation
- 30 August 2018
The title tag is one of the most important factors on your web page
Turn your common client questions into blog posts...
- 23 August 2018
Get asked the same question frequently?
Nothing lasts forever.
- 26 January 2018
Facebook is making a huge change to its news feed so that it prioritises friends and posts that spark comments between them.
Seize the moment
- 1 December 2017
Visit a shop or a market stall where the goods are old, stale and unappealing and it tells you one thing - the owner doesn’t care.
Five Online Marketing Essentials...
- 28 September 2017
There are many online marketing avenues that a local small business could take, but which are essential and stand the best chance of ensuring success?
Don't create a personal profile for your business.
- 26 September 2017
There are many well-meaning marketers and entrepreneurs who create personal profiles for their brands, instead of an actual Facebook Business Page.
If I’m going to live until I’m 90, I have another 20 years ahead of me. And I intend to make them really productive.
- 5 September 2017
Tricia Cusden: ‘Society hasn’t yet come to terms with the fact that we’re living longer’
Why Quality Content is Important for SEO
- 31 August 2017
5 reasons why quality content is important for SEO. Article by PureSEO.
Just getting on page 1 of a Google search isn’t enough.
- 8 May 2017
In the end, your website has to be useful for actual human beings.
Simple Tips for Writing Title Meta Tags
- 27 April 2017
The 'title tag' is the element of a web page that summarises the content found on a page.
2 Instagram Tips for a Tuesday
- 4 April 2017
Want to know what the people you follow are doing on Instagram?
7 Tips for Posting on Social Media
- 21 March 2017
Consistently cultivating engagement on social media is no easy task...
3 Golden Rules to Getting Found
- 17 March 2017
A great read from Strategic Social Profiles about names, logos and branding - and getting found!
Getting started with Facebook
- 28 February 2017
A Facebook page seems to be appropriate for most businesses.
Quality Keyword Research is invaluable.
- 22 February 2017
If you operate at all in the online space, you need to understand exactly what people are searching for.
Facebook Business Page Set Up Package
- 14 February 2017
We can create or update a business page for you in Facebook, with your brand’s logo and design elements.
Want to be found?
- 22 November 2016
Some people can post a picture of their dogs or kids to Facebook and see 100 Likes overnight.
It’s a visual thing.
- 11 October 2016
Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service...
It's impossible to have all the talent needed.
- 7 October 2016
Webtrix can give you a website that you can manage easily yourself...
Mailchimp Tip - Creating a Campaign
- 22 September 2016
Are you struggling between Mailchimp email templates & email campaigns?
Not Sure What to Write About for your Blog?
- 22 June 2016
This is probably the real, underlying source of resistance against writing a blog post.
Why Use Instagram
- 14 June 2016
What differentiates Instagram from other social networking platforms is the pronounced lack of words; it is visual.
What would be better to do from a traffic/marketing point of view when using a blog?
- 13 May 2016
It's a bit of a trick question since there is no right or wrong answer.