The two markets for your website...
- 15 September 2018
Almost all the search engines scan a website's content now. The more content you have on your website the more the search engines have to scan - but there is more to it then that: people like content too.There are always two markets for your website to remember and cater for - search engines and your readers.
So why would people come to your website? Do you offer them relevant information that relates to your product or service? If not, why would they come?
Relevant content is a key for a successful website.
Take this post for example - while it's useful information for our visitors, it's also additional content - and will help our blog do better in search engines. Writing articles about aspects of your industry is a great way to generate content.
Set aside an hour a day (or at least an hour a week) to devote to adding new content to your website or blog - preferably both.
If you struggle to write content (as I do, I'm just not a writer) the find a good content writer to help - a good web content writer will keep in mind those two markets. I work in collaboration with content writers for my clients.